Chevrefoil Medieval Music CD

SKU#: AC04
Price: $19.00


The Medieval Tale of Tristan and Isolde in Poetry and Music
Our Chevrefoil Medieval Music CD was created by the group Istanpitta Medieval Early Music Ensemble.

1 Introduction
2 Quarte estampie
3 Amoroso
4 Penser ne doit vilenie
5 Montarde/Dit le Burguygnon
6 Salterello 3/Petit vriens
7 Tristan is banished
8 De moi deloreus
9 De moi deloreus (danse)
10 Tristan returns to Cornwall
11 Ghaetta
12 Rendezvous plans
13 Quant je suis
14 Tristan writes a note to Isolde
15 De bonte de valour
16 Isolde stops to meet Tristan
17 La rotta
18 Isolde counsels Tristan
19 The lovers part ways
20 Lament di Tristano
21 Conclusion
Total Program Length: 63:11

Instruments used on this CD Include: Medieval harp, vielle, oud, lute, recorder, saz, Medieval bagpipes, psaltery, tabla, riqq, and tabor.

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